30 March 2006

XML based CVs

XML + a XSLT toolchain is an excellent way to maintain your Curriculum Vitae, supporting several languages and several formats with minimum effort. I've been using the XML Résumé Library for my CV for a while, but the lack of recent updates and a slight unsatisfaction with the look of the PDF output made me want to take a peek on what else is out there.

Didn't find much though: the overall feeling I get is that, though not perfect, the XML Résumé Library seems to be the safest bet out there.

The sole exception worth mention is the work done by David Sora for a subject of his masters degree. He designed a XSD schema together with HTML and PDF XSLT stylesheets for CVs based upon the Europass Curriculum Vitae layout. His report is written in portuguese, but an example CV and XSLT are available for english too (in the parent directory of the report). This might not be picked up a community (such as the one behind XML Résumé Library), but the schema is complete and the output looks nice. Also the layout of the Europass CV is comprehensive and professional — as you'd expect from an initiative backed by the European Union. So definitelyinetly something to look upon whenever I need to tweak or drop the XML Résumé Library.

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