We found that for many applications a substantial part of the time spent in software vertex processing was being spend in the powf function. So quite a few of us in Tungsten Graphics have been looking into a faster powf.
The basic way to compute powf(x, y) efficiently is by computing the equivalent exp2(log2(x)*y)) expression, and then fiddle with IEEE 754 floating point exponent to quickly estimate the log2/exp2. This by itself only gives a very coarse approximation. To improve this approximation one has to also look into the mantissa, and then take one of two alternatives: use a lookup table or fit a function like a polynomial.
Lookup table
See also:
union f4 { int32_t i[4]; uint32_t u[4]; float f[4]; __m128 m; __m128i mi; }; #define EXP2_TABLE_SIZE_LOG2 9 #define EXP2_TABLE_SIZE (1 << EXP2_TABLE_SIZE_LOG2) #define EXP2_TABLE_OFFSET (EXP2_TABLE_SIZE/2) #define EXP2_TABLE_SCALE ((float) ((EXP2_TABLE_SIZE/2)-1)) /* 2 ^ x, for x in [-1.0, 1.0[ */ static float exp2_table[2*EXP2_TABLE_SIZE]; void exp2_init(void) { int i; for (i = 0; i < EXP2_TABLE_SIZE; i++) exp2_table[i] = (float) pow(2.0, (i - EXP2_TABLE_OFFSET) / EXP2_TABLE_SCALE); } /** * Fast approximation to exp2(x). * Let ipart = int(x) * Let fpart = x - ipart; * So, exp2(x) = exp2(ipart) * exp2(fpart) * Compute exp2(ipart) with i << ipart * Compute exp2(fpart) with lookup table. */ __m128 exp2f4(__m128 x) { __m128i ipart; __m128 fpart, expipart; union f4 index, expfpart; x = _mm_min_ps(x, _mm_set1_ps( 129.00000f)); x = _mm_max_ps(x, _mm_set1_ps(-126.99999f)); /* ipart = int(x) */ ipart = _mm_cvtps_epi32(x); /* fpart = x - ipart */ fpart = _mm_sub_ps(x, _mm_cvtepi32_ps(ipart)); /* expipart = (float) (1 << ipart) */ expipart = _mm_castsi128_ps(_mm_slli_epi32(_mm_add_epi32(ipart, _mm_set1_epi32(127)), 23)); /* index = EXP2_TABLE_OFFSET + (int)(fpart * EXP2_TABLE_SCALE) */ index.mi = _mm_add_epi32(_mm_cvtps_epi32(_mm_mul_ps(fpart, _mm_set1_ps(EXP2_TABLE_SCALE))), _mm_set1_epi32(EXP2_TABLE_OFFSET)); expfpart.f[0] = exp2_table[index.u[0]]; expfpart.f[1] = exp2_table[index.u[1]]; expfpart.f[2] = exp2_table[index.u[2]]; expfpart.f[3] = exp2_table[index.u[3]]; return _mm_mul_ps(expipart, expfpart.m); }
#define LOG2_TABLE_SIZE_LOG2 8 #define LOG2_TABLE_SIZE (1 << LOG2_TABLE_SIZE_LOG2) #define LOG2_TABLE_SCALE ((float) ((LOG2_TABLE_SIZE)-1)) /* log2(x), for x in [1.0, 2.0[ */ static float log2_table[2*LOG2_TABLE_SIZE]; void log2_init(void) { unsigned i; for (i = 0; i < LOG2_TABLE_SIZE; i++) log2_table[i] = (float) log2(1.0 + i * (1.0 / (LOG2_TABLE_SIZE-1))); } __m128 log2f4(__m128 x) { union f4 index, p; __m128i exp = _mm_set1_epi32(0x7F800000); __m128i mant = _mm_set1_epi32(0x007FFFFF); __m128i i = _mm_castps_si128(x); __m128 e = _mm_cvtepi32_ps(_mm_sub_epi32(_mm_srli_epi32(_mm_and_si128(i, exp), 23), _mm_set1_epi32(127))); index.mi = _mm_srli_epi32(_mm_and_si128(i, mant), 23 - LOG2_TABLE_SIZE_LOG2); p.f[0] = log2_table[index.u[0]]; p.f[1] = log2_table[index.u[1]]; p.f[2] = log2_table[index.u[2]]; p.f[3] = log2_table[index.u[3]]; return _mm_add_ps(p.m, e); }
static inline __m128 powf4(__m128 x, __m128 y) { return exp2f4(_mm_mul_ps(log2f4(x), y)); }
For more details see:
- Posts from Nick from Ghent, Belgium in Approximate Math Library thread.
- Minimax Approximations and the Remez Algorithm
#define EXP_POLY_DEGREE 3 #define POLY0(x, c0) _mm_set1_ps(c0) #define POLY1(x, c0, c1) _mm_add_ps(_mm_mul_ps(POLY0(x, c1), x), _mm_set1_ps(c0)) #define POLY2(x, c0, c1, c2) _mm_add_ps(_mm_mul_ps(POLY1(x, c1, c2), x), _mm_set1_ps(c0)) #define POLY3(x, c0, c1, c2, c3) _mm_add_ps(_mm_mul_ps(POLY2(x, c1, c2, c3), x), _mm_set1_ps(c0)) #define POLY4(x, c0, c1, c2, c3, c4) _mm_add_ps(_mm_mul_ps(POLY3(x, c1, c2, c3, c4), x), _mm_set1_ps(c0)) #define POLY5(x, c0, c1, c2, c3, c4, c5) _mm_add_ps(_mm_mul_ps(POLY4(x, c1, c2, c3, c4, c5), x), _mm_set1_ps(c0)) __m128 exp2f4(__m128 x) { __m128i ipart; __m128 fpart, expipart, expfpart; x = _mm_min_ps(x, _mm_set1_ps( 129.00000f)); x = _mm_max_ps(x, _mm_set1_ps(-126.99999f)); /* ipart = int(x - 0.5) */ ipart = _mm_cvtps_epi32(_mm_sub_ps(x, _mm_set1_ps(0.5f))); /* fpart = x - ipart */ fpart = _mm_sub_ps(x, _mm_cvtepi32_ps(ipart)); /* expipart = (float) (1 << ipart) */ expipart = _mm_castsi128_ps(_mm_slli_epi32(_mm_add_epi32(ipart, _mm_set1_epi32(127)), 23)); /* minimax polynomial fit of 2**x, in range [-0.5, 0.5[ */ #if EXP_POLY_DEGREE == 5 expfpart = POLY5(fpart, 9.9999994e-1f, 6.9315308e-1f, 2.4015361e-1f, 5.5826318e-2f, 8.9893397e-3f, 1.8775767e-3f); #elif EXP_POLY_DEGREE == 4 expfpart = POLY4(fpart, 1.0000026f, 6.9300383e-1f, 2.4144275e-1f, 5.2011464e-2f, 1.3534167e-2f); #elif EXP_POLY_DEGREE == 3 expfpart = POLY3(fpart, 9.9992520e-1f, 6.9583356e-1f, 2.2606716e-1f, 7.8024521e-2f); #elif EXP_POLY_DEGREE == 2 expfpart = POLY2(fpart, 1.0017247f, 6.5763628e-1f, 3.3718944e-1f); #else #error #endif return _mm_mul_ps(expipart, expfpart); }
#define LOG_POLY_DEGREE 5 __m128 log2f4(__m128 x) { __m128i exp = _mm_set1_epi32(0x7F800000); __m128i mant = _mm_set1_epi32(0x007FFFFF); __m128 one = _mm_set1_ps( 1.0f); __m128i i = _mm_castps_si128(x); __m128 e = _mm_cvtepi32_ps(_mm_sub_epi32(_mm_srli_epi32(_mm_and_si128(i, exp), 23), _mm_set1_epi32(127))); __m128 m = _mm_or_ps(_mm_castsi128_ps(_mm_and_si128(i, mant)), one); __m128 p; /* Minimax polynomial fit of log2(x)/(x - 1), for x in range [1, 2[ */ #if LOG_POLY_DEGREE == 6 p = POLY5( m, 3.1157899f, -3.3241990f, 2.5988452f, -1.2315303f, 3.1821337e-1f, -3.4436006e-2f); #elif LOG_POLY_DEGREE == 5 p = POLY4(m, 2.8882704548164776201f, -2.52074962577807006663f, 1.48116647521213171641f, -0.465725644288844778798f, 0.0596515482674574969533f); #elif LOG_POLY_DEGREE == 4 p = POLY3(m, 2.61761038894603480148f, -1.75647175389045657003f, 0.688243882994381274313f, -0.107254423828329604454f); #elif LOG_POLY_DEGREE == 3 p = POLY2(m, 2.28330284476918490682f, -1.04913055217340124191f, 0.204446009836232697516f); #else #error #endif /* This effectively increases the polynomial degree by one, but ensures that log2(1) == 0*/ p = _mm_mul_ps(p, _mm_sub_ps(m, one)); return _mm_add_ps(p, e); }
The accuracy vs speed for several table sizes and polynomial degrees can be seen in the chart below.

The difference is not much, but the polynomial approach outperforms the table approach for any desired precision. This was for 32bit generated code in a Core 2. If generating 64bit code, the difference between the two is bigger. The performance of the table approach will also tend to degrade when other computation is going on at the same time, as the likelihood the lookup tables get trashed out of the cache is higher. So by all accounts, the polynomial approach seems a safer bet.
Do the tables need to be CONST in a shared library? Then multiple users could share the same copy in cache.
Do the tables need to be CONST in a shared library? Then multiple users could share the same copy in cache.
If the tables are const in a shared
library and used by other applications, then the likelihood of the table is in the cache is indeed higher. But that does not help if, for example, precedent/subsequent computations need to lookup a lot of texture data, which evicts the table from the cache.
The polynomial approach not only does not suffer from that problem, as it has faster / more accurate than table lookups, at least for SSE.
Did you check if most of the pow's were in fact e^x?
That was the case when I looked at this with idr before.
Maybe optimising for the e^x case might make things better also.
As a general rule, on modern systems, lookup tables rarely help unless they replace a substantial amount of calculation. The overhead of memory access, and the high speed of modern processors, makes it reasonable to expend many instructions to avoid a single memory access.
Did you check if most of the pow's were in fact e^x?
It might be the case in some examples, but not the case of a particular application we were interested in.
Maybe optimising for the e^x case might make things better also.
Optimize the e^x case when compiling the shaders would be the ideal, but I'm not sure if it is implemented or possible at all. Detecting in runtime might not compensate overall, but still worth giving it a try.
first of all, thanks for the code.
But the title 'Fast sse2..' is a bit misleading.
There's not a single sse2 intrinsic in your code, rather it's just sse (float) that you're using.
Would be nice to have a true sse2 variant (double) of the code posted here.
Can I use this code like under a BSD license or something? I would use it in the context of our research project software, and that is currently not public, and we definitely cannot introduce GPL code there.
I am an occasional contributor to eigen (http://eigen.tuxfamily.org/index.php?title=Main_Page), a wonderful linear algebra library. I am looking to adapt the pow function presented here. For this, I need to be clear on the licensing of the code. What is it's license?
Eigen's licensing FAQis here. (http://eigen.tuxfamily.org/index.php?title=FAQ#Licensing).
Thanks for the nice example.
BTW, did you use asciidoc for formatting your code?
@Anonymous, many months later...
Actually, there ARE SSE2 instructions in there: the int32 arithmetic stuff cannot be done on 4 values in a shot with pure SSE.
I guess the version processing doubles was left as an exercise to the reader.
congratulations on your great work, its fantastic to see more Portuguese on OSS :)
What's the license of this code? Is it public domain/GPL(2/3)/BSD? I'd like to include it in my synthesizer (haruhi.mulabs.org), which is GPL-3 licensed.
Anonymous> SSE2 does not mean double precision support. this code is indeed SSE2, solely because of the integer intrinsics that are used.
_mm_cvtepi32_ps, _mm_srli_epi32, all these do not exist in the original SSE instruction set, and you need SSE2 support to execute them.
> What's the license of this code? Is it public domain/GPL(2/3)/BSD?
Consider the code in my post to be MIT license
> I'd like to include it in my synthesizer (haruhi.mulabs.org), which is GPL-3 licensed.
This code has been incorporated and lives on in Mesa3D source code:
- SSE2 instrinsics
The SSE2 intrinsic version has now been abandoned. We only use the LLVM IR JIT version which has much more improvements (more accuracy, NaN handling, etc.) The principle is still the same though.
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